Children's Learning Styles

Understanding your child's learning style allows you and your child to get the most out of their homeschooling experience. Find out how with this collection of learning style resources, including learning styles explanations, assessments, strategies, and tools. 

Understanding Your Child's Learning Style
Raising Topsy-Turvy Kids: Successfully Parenting Your Visual-Spatial Child

Understanding how children learn best allows you to meet their needs and help them succeed. A visual-spatial learner remembers things in pictures and learns better with visual clues and strategies. This book addresses those needs and helps you figure out how to encourage this type of learner in your homeschool environment. 

In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child's Multiple Intelligences
Children learn in differing ways. Thomas Armstrong specializes in helping parents identify the unique areas in each of our children that enhance their special way of learning and expressing creativity. This work on multiple intelligences talks about the eight different kinds of multiple intelligences, showing you how to discover your child's particular areas of strength. 
The Seven Learning Styles
Stacy Mantle discusses seven specific types of learning styles: linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, bodily, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
For the Learners' Sake: Brain-Based Instruction for the 21st Century
This proposal for a platform of education reform needed to prepare students for a 21st-century workplace and society draws on information and ideas from two current areas in neuroscience: brain research (physiology and applications to learning) and systems thinking (mental models). Analyzing the history of education methodology over the past two centuries, this book shows how the 19th-century factory model prevalent in schools today fail to produce the kinds of flexible thinkers and problem solvers needed in the 21st century. A comprehensive tour of the brain and details of the most recent neuroscience findings inform a plan to arm today's students with an education lacking in traditional classrooms. Also included are dozens of ideas for brain-compatible activities that can be adapted for use in the classroom.
Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach
This book offers helpful and practical strategies about the different ways that kids acquire information and learn, and then use that knowledge. Kids' behavior is often tied to a particular learning style and understanding that fact will help parents respond to their child in ways that decrease frustration and increase success, especially in a homeschooling environment. 
Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual Spatial Learner
Dr. Linda Silverman coined the term "visual-spatial learner" to describe the special and unique gifts of people who learn best through seeing and with images. This guide is a great resource as you support your homeschooling visual learner in discovering the best ways to learn and succeed. 
100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum: Choosing The Right Curriculum And Approach For Your Child's Learning Style
The key to successful home education is determining your educational philosophy and linking it to your child’s learning style. Then you can make an informed decision in choosing the right educational curriculum for the child. Homeschool guru Cathy Duffy can help you accomplish these critical tasks, with her top choices from every subject area, approaching everything through a Christian worldview perspective. 
Homeschooling Students With Different Learning Styles (Visual, Read/Write, Auditory and Kinesthetic)

Do you know how your child learns best? If you're not sure, this guide can help you figure it out. Because people learn in different ways, with diverse ways of capturing information and processing knowledge, you'll be more successful in your homeschooling if you can understand these particular learning styles for your children. Responding to your children's learning styles will help both them and you become more effective and enthusiastic about learning in your home. This guide helps you understand visual learning styles, auditory learning styles, reading/writing learning styles, kinesthetic learning styles, and offers information and tips to get the most out of your understanding of your own child. 

Understanding Learning Styles...And Homeschooling Accordingly

Everyone learns differently. When you homeschool, it is very helpful to figure out the different ways that your children learn, process information, and retain knowledge. This will make teaching easier, and also reduces your child's frustration. Both will set you up for success. This guide details the Vark model of assessing learning styles for four identified ways of learning. Vark stands for visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. It further explains three additional learning styles identified by developmental psychologist Howard Gardner. This is called the theory of Multiple Intelligences: logical-mathematical, social, and solitary. 

Left vs. Right: Which Side Are You On?
First take the Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Test to see which side of your brain is dominant. You can then use this discussion to understand how your information processing styles and thinking characteristics work together.
How to Determine Your Child's Learning Style
How to Determine Your Child's Learning Style

Children process information and learn in different ways. There are three primary ways in which people learn: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. When you discover how your child learns, you can help shape their educational experience to prioritize this primary learning style, while also ensuring a well-rounded education. 

Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style

Everyone has their own preferred way of learning. Learning styles can be generally divided into three types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Discovering your child's learning style will be of benefit to both your child and to you too. By understanding these learning styles, you can better choose curriculum and plan out a strategy that will work best for you and your child. 

How To Identify Children’s Learning Styles

An appreciation of your child's primary learning style will help you support them in learning at home. It is also important to understand your own learning style if that is different from your child's. First, identify your own learning style of one of the four primary types: visual learner, kinaesthetic learner, auditory learner, and logical learner. 

Discover Your Children's Gifts

This comprehensive work on children's learning styles and creativity expression is a tremendous help to parents as they begin homeschooling. The authors discuss how God gifts children in different ways with different ways of learning and expression. This guide will help you identify your child's personality gifts and help them reach their full potential. 

Quiz: What's Your Child's Learning Style?

Knowing and understanding your child's learning style is the key to homeschooling success. This short quiz will help you determine what ways of learning are best for your child. 

The Learning Style Quiz

How do I know what my child's learning style is? This quick quiz can help you figure it out. There are lots of combinations of different learning styles and usually children are not just one single style. Everyone learns in a variety of ways. Understanding this can help you re-evaluate and adjust to your child's particular learning style. This quiz focuses on the three main learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. 

Discover Your Child's Learning Style : Children Learn in Unique Ways - Here's the Key to Every Child's Learning Success
When, where, and how does your child learn best? Because children process information in many different ways, what works for one child might not work for another. This book shows you how to assess and nurture your child's learning style based on his or her interests, talents, disposition, environment, and more. The self-awareness tests included will help guide you to a better understanding of your child's unique strengths and weaknesses, leading you to better homeschooling success and more inner peace. 
The Way They Learn
The learning-styles expert, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias,  gives parents a better understanding of the types of learning approaches that will help their children do better in school and at home. She offers practical advice for teaching in response to your child's strengths, even if his or her learning style is different from yours. 
In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child's Multiple Intelligences
Children learn in differing ways. Thomas Armstrong specializes in helping parents identify the unique areas in each of our children that enhance their special way of learning and expressing creativity. This work on multiple intelligences talks about the eight different kinds of multiple intelligences, showing you how to discover your child's particular areas of strength. 
Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach
This book offers helpful and practical strategies about the different ways that kids acquire information and learn, and then use that knowledge. Kids' behavior is often tied to a particular learning style and understanding that fact will help parents respond to their child in ways that decrease frustration and increase success, especially in a homeschooling environment. 
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Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.
Name That Country Game
"Dear Pen Pal, Konnichi wa! We've been to see Mt. Fuji. Name my country! Sayonara, Michiko." Challenge your group with this fast-paced geography game, created in 1992 by Educational Insights, Inc. Everyone begins at the post office. Players twirl a finely printed spinner (built into the game board itself) to select one of 60 countries. If the player can correctly identify the country's location on the board's numbered map, he or she may advance along the path to the finish. Bonus moves are won b...
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After providing an important work in explaining the Charlotte Mason method for homeschoolers, Catherine Levison goes deeper into the use of this method in the home with her subsequent work. This book expands the information from the first book and offers ideas to incorporate the rich and uplifting philosophy into your home education. There are specific tips for high school, schooling through challenges, and more. 
Not So Fast: Parenting Your Teen Through the Dangers of Driving
Most driving literature for parents focuses on how to teach a teen to drive, without explaining why teen driving is so dangerous in the first place or giving parents a plan to preempt the hazards teens face. By contrast, Not So Fast empowers and guides parents to understand the causes and situations that most often lead to teen crashes and to take specific, proactive steps—before and each time a teen driver gets behind the wheel—to counteract them. This authoritative guide tackles hot button iss...
Discover Your Children's Gifts
This comprehensive work on children's learning styles and creativity expression is a tremendous help to parents as they begin homeschooling. The authors discuss how God gifts children in different ways with different ways of learning and expression. This guide will help you identify your child's personality gifts and help them reach their full potential.